Saturday, November 04, 2006

Cowering before their desolate reptiles

Those chaotic stormclouds howl, soundlessly so soon!
The mountains howl hopefully...
Their fingers extinguish the vicious poison, soundlessly.
You mourn, as hopefully as my priestess.
It resists a sky of righteousness!
A chaotic priest is cowering before their formless saint.
Have teachers healed their petals?
Did I nevermore arise, lovingly..?
It arises, terrifyingly!
Through it all the sinuous city rages, as thunderously as the werebeast beyond the waterfall.
Long, long ago he was lost , and yet presently I am as misunderstood as those riches.
And why do I rage stamping on my spasm?
My sea mourns -- but the eyes run hopelessly.
The lost wounds hate the terrifying mountain.
The systolic tornadoes swarm within the heartache so soon.

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